Hi everyone, A big thank you to everyone who has done an online class this week! A number of students have done multiple online classes already, keep up the good work! In this edition:
Chungdo@Home Tuesday/Wednesday's classes only had a couple of students which was good. It gave David and I time to practice and refine how we deliver the classes online. By Thursday there were 10+ people in each of the 3 classes that we held that day. Online classes are very different to in person! Starting from April 5 we will run even more classes which will allow us to focus specifically on each belt. I've also rewritten the class plans from scratch and each belt now has an 11 week program designed with the online format in mind. We've decided that recorded sessions will not be shared outside out club. Sometimes participants show up on the recordings and also we stop demonstrating to watch the participants and give tips/tell them not to slack off. Instead of uploading the recorded sessions, we will film a home workout version of each belt level class. That's 10 videos per week plus the tutorials that are currently underway (sneak peaks of the tutorials will come out next week) Take a look at the timetables below and our first class from Tuesday 24 March The timetables are updating rapidly so members, it's best to view these via your app. (If you're a member and you haven't got the link to the app let me know). One on one reviews If you are planning to grade, or if you want a check on your progress make sure you book your one on one review. We are happy to give you some specific feedback on what to work on between now and grading submission date! https://calendly.com/chungdotkd/15min Grading Everything is prepared for our first video grading. As there's no contact, grading criteria is only going to focus on: Colour belts: your current pattern plus the previous pattern (e.g. Green tip/Taeguk 2, and yellow belt/Taeguk 1) and your kicks White belts: Right hand, left hand, Chonji patterns and your kicks Make sure you do it well! If you're going to do grading please register and pay here https://events.humanitix.com/march-april-2020-grading Covid19 Update This week has been full of half announced, flip flopped advice from the Government. A number of students have enquired about in person classes but honestly it's been hard to manage. We definitely can't train indoors but in theory we can run an outdoor class for less than 10 people but if we were 9 mates gathering in the park (or on the beach) we'd be crucified.
As a result of the unclear guidance and due to the rapidly changing goalposts we have not cemented any plans for in person classes. Some disappointing news has been coming out of Hong Kong this week which supports my forecast that this is going to be a long battle. I was watching China but Hong Kong moved first so give us the first glimpse. Hong Kong was in lockdown since 25th January. Lockdown ended after almost 7 weeks on March 2. Unfortunately their cases have started to climb rapidly. It doesn't matter that the original source of transmission is blamed on people returning to Hong Kong. The fact that Hong Kong is experiencing a "second wave" of infections supports the argument that our socially distant existence is going to be in place as long as Covid 19 exists somewhere in the world and until a vaccine is developed, tested and approved for widespread use. So, get online, do the online classes! |
January 2025
Start learning today!